It's the User EXPERIENCE, stupid!

Why is user experience paramount in today's digital world?
What can we learn from the failure of some companies and the success of others?

Can we turn our products and services into rituals for our users? We sure can, let's take a closer look at a thriving business to find out their tricks.

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The Curious Cycle of Onboarding, Accessibility and the Royal Rumble

What in the hell has this got to do with usability, accessibility and onboarding you ask? Am I running out of pop-culture to apply to product development or do I simply wanting to barrage you with wrestling gifs? Well, not only does the Royal Rumble illustrate good onboarding, aim for user retention and aim to be as accessible to as wide an audience as possible, it does give me the chance to share some incredible gifs.

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Tips for Public Speaking


Today I thought I'd share some materials I put together to help friends and colleagues with public speaking. From my experience at A1 Speakers, Newcastle Toastmasters and listening to far far too many personal development podcasts I put the following tips together.

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3 Tips for User Research

The Power of Three!
Three tips I’ve learned to help get teams engaged with good user research practices! Here be gifs!

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Conversations with myself - Geek Mental Help Week

Inspired by the stories of Geek Mental Help week I decided to share my own experiences with mental health, in particular anxiety. Anxiety, for those who haven’t experienced it is frustrating, exhausting and it sucks all the fun out of life. What I’m essentially getting at is anxiety is Scrappy Doo.

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